Uvex K20

40,99 €


uvex K20 earmuffs offer effective protection and a high level of wearer comfort. The high-quality, foldable headband with comfortable quilted padding provides a high level of wearer comfort and is also ideally suited for long periods of use. The leng
uvex K20 earmuffs offer effective protection and a high level of wearer comfort. The high-quality, foldable headband with comfortable quilted padding provides a high level of wearer comfort and is also ideally suited for long periods of use. The length can be adjusted to ensure perfect positioning, while the optimal earmuff shape provides pressure-free protection for the outer ear. Cushioned sealing pads with memory foam create an excellent seal and fit around the head. If using the earmuffs in applications with high hygiene requirements, we recommend using the hygiene kit, article no. 259997. Regularly changing the sealing pads provides a secure seal and extends the service life of the earmuffs. When not in use, uvex K20 can be stored easily without taking up much space thanks to the foldable headband. Another storage option is our earmuff bag with belt loops, article no. 2000002Uvex K20. Wearing style: Head-band, Best uses: Construction, Product colour: Black, Yellow

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