Manfrotto tripod kit MK055CXPRO33WQR CF Kit 3sec QR

709 €


  • Manfrotto 055 tripod with a MHXPRO-3W 3-way head
  • 3-section carbon fibre legs with 90° center column mechanism
  • Durable and trustworthy locking system
  • Bubble levels ensure precise framing
  • MOVE quick release kit included
The Manfrotto MK055CXPRO33WQR Kit is the perfect companion for professional photographers seeking a quick and efficient workflow. Designed for use with premium mirrorless cameras, it is outstandingly rigid yet still incredibly lightweight thanks to its strong carbon-fiber build. It's easy to store and carry when you're on the go thanks to the innovative quick release system. With a single gesture, the Move quick release system is always ready to go.

The Manfrotto MK055CXPRO33WQR Kit consists of:
  • MT055CXPRO3 Carbon Fiber Tripod
  • MHXPRO-3W 3-Way Head
  • Move Quick Release Kit

Manfrotto MT055CXPRO3 tripod
The Manfrotto 055 series 3-section carbon fiber tripod provides outstanding rigidity while maintaining a light weight. This masterpiece of Italian engineering is manufactured to a very high standard and is equipped with a 90 degree center column that can be extended vertically or horizontally for greater shooting versatility.

Manfrotto Quick Power Lock levers are used to fix the legs of the MT055CXPRO3 tripod, which fix the leg section quickly and securely. The QPL mount is designed for the most comfortable operation, but also improves the rigidity and stability of the tripod. Thanks to the convenient angle selection system, the angle of inclination of each leg can be changed individually.

In addition, this tripod also has an integrated water level and Easy Link connection. In addition to the camera, Easy Link allows you to quickly and conveniently connect various photo and video accessories such as LED lights, reflectors or an articulated arm to the tripod. As a result, the tripod can also be used freely in the studio.

Manfrotto MHXPRO-3W 3-way head
When folded, the X-PRO is extremely compact, allowing it to be conveniently carried even on longer photography trips. When fully packed, it measures only 13 × 13.5 × 13.5 cm. If necessary, you can quickly open it and start taking pictures right away.

This tripod head has separate buttons for adjusting the friction strength in the forward, backward and sideways tilting directions. In addition, there are three levels on the tripod head to ensure a straight horizon even on a steep hillside, reducing the time spent on photo processing later.

The reliable and durable X-PRO 3-way head is made of aluminum and freely supports photographic equipment weighing up to 12 kilos.

Manfrotto MOVE quick release system
MOVE is the first quick-release system that increases the pace on set and makes it easy to change equipment. It's designed to reduce downtime when switching between tripods and stabilizers in a fast-paced, creative environment.

The core of this revolutionary system is a base and plate that creates a universal connection. The base is 60mm in diameter and has a standard 3/8” thread, which is very versatile and works with different support combinations (tripod, slider, monopod, etc.).

The board has a standard 3/8" and 1/4" top mounting screw for easy connection to a wide variety of devices. It also has an anti-rotation pin that works safely and securely in all shooting positions. By adding bases to different supports and the plate camera, you can quickly move from one setup to another without having to spend time screwing different plates on and off.

MOVE is made from anodized, machined aluminum so it's strong enough to handle an impressive load capacity of up to 20kg.


Statīva modelis
Oglekļa šķiedra
Magnija sakausējums
Maksimālais darba augstums
170 cm
Darba augstums ar nolaistu centrālo kolonnu
140 cm
Minimālais darba augstums
9 cm
Garums saliktā veidā
63 cm
Maksimālā kravnesība
20 kg
Svars (g)
Kājas posmu skaits
Kājas diametrs
29,2 mm
24,8 mm
20,4 mm
Kājas leņķis
Galvas stiprinājums

Statīva galva

Galvas tips
3-virzienu galva
Galvas modelis
12 kg
Sānu noliekums
-30° / +90°
Priekšējais noliekums
-30° / +90°
Burbuļa līmeņrādis
Jā, 3
Statīva stiprinājums
Ātrās noņemšanas plate
Kameras stiprinājums
Augstums (mm)
Svars (g)
Melna / sudrabota


Statīva komplekts
Iepakojumā ietilpst
Statīva galva
Quick release system

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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