DJI Focus Pro Creator Combo

899 €

Главная информация

  • Автоматизированная система управления объективом с ручной фокусировкой
  • Дистанционное управление фокусировкой, диафрагмой и зумом объектива — точно и плавно
  • Технология LiDAR облегчает фокусировку
  • Рабочий диапазон 20 м, 76 800 точек дальности
  • Совместимость с экосистемой DJI PRO

Торопитесь! Последние экземпляры!

DJI Focus Pro, DJI's first independent Automated Manual Focus (AMF) lens control system, provides cinematographers with a robust and comprehensive focus solution, ushering in a new era of human-machine collaborative focus control.
  • 20-meter subject focusing, 76 800 ranging points
  • Built-in camera, enhanced AI recognition algorithms
  • AMF mode, human-machine collaborative focus control
  • FIZ lens control, magnetic damping tactile feedback
  • LiDAR Waveform, top-down focus assistance view
  • Compatibility with DJI PRO ecosystem

All-New Grip, All-Around Capability
The newly designed DJI Focus Pro Grip features a 2.5-hour system power supply, intuitive screen operations, auto-calibration and data storage for 15 lenses, Bluetooth start/stop recording, and handheld shooting capabilities, offering an exceptional LiDAR focusing experience, even without a Ronin stabilizer.

Touchscreen Parameter Adjustments, LiDAR View Synchronization
The Grip, equipped with a full-color touchscreen, supports the adjustment of LiDAR and motor parameters and can present a real-time view from the LiDAR's perspective, granting operators complete awareness during use.

Bluetooth Connectivity, Wireless Control
The Grip can directly connect to mirrorless cameras via Bluetooth for wireless start/stop recording. It can also pair with the DJI Ronin app over Bluetooth to complete the calibration of manual lenses.

Auto Calibration, Efficient and Convenient
The DJI Ronin app features built-in lens data that can be imported into the Focus Pro Motor via Bluetooth connection to the Grip. A single Motor can store data for up to 15 lenses.

2.5-Hour Operating Time, Use While Charging
The Grip supports a 2.5-hour power supply for both the LiDAR and focus motor. It also allows for continuous use while charging through third-party PD fast-charging batteries.

Further and Wider Focusing
LiDAR human-subject focus distance is now extended to 20 meters, approximately three times that of the previous generation, effortlessly handling shooting with telephoto lenses. A super-wide focus FOV of 70° easily accommodates edge compositions and close-up shots, significantly enhancing creative freedom.

More Accurate and Stable Focusing
The upgraded LiDAR now boasts 76,800 ranging points, a leap of 77% over the previous generation, sharpening human-subject edge detection while effectively reducing focus hunting. In addition, with a LiDAR refresh rate of 30 Hz, focus reliably locks on even when the subject is moving quickly.

More Intelligent Focusing
AF Subject Recognition and Tracking. With the assistance of new AI algorithms, more reliable recognition of human subjects and vehicles can be achieved. Even if the subject is momentarily obscured, the LiDAR can quickly regain focus.
  • AF Subject Switching. In multiple-subject scenarios, focus can be quickly transitioned among various subjects.
  • Adjustable AF Focus Speed. The autofocus speed is adjustable across five levels. Lower levels produce a softer focus effect, while higher levels enable quicker, more sensitive focusing.
  • Selectable AF Focus Area. Two focus area modes, Wide and Flex Spot, are available. In Wide mode, the LiDAR can automatically detect and focus on human subjects and vehicles. In Flex Spot mode, users have the freedom to manually select any object to focus on.

Flexible Combinations for Diverse Scenarios
Focus Pro Creator Combo consists of three major modules: LiDAR, Motor and Grip. Cinematographers can flexibly combine these modules based on different shooting demands.

AMF, Human-Machine Collaboration
With the groundbreaking AMF mode applied for the first time in both the Hand Unit and the Grip, DJI Focus Pro sets a new standard for human-machine collaboration in focus control, catering to a diverse range of creative demands.

Focus You Can Feel
In AMF mode, as the autofocus operates, the front dial on the Grip (or the focus knob on the Hand Unit) rotates simultaneously. This allows cinematographers to both visually observe the focus status on the monitor and to intuitively perceive the autofocus logic through tactile feedback from their fingertips, enabling prompt decisions on when to manually intervene.

Millisecond-Level Switching between Manual and Auto
Focus control is always at your fingertips. In AMF mode, manual focus control can be engaged and disengaged in milliseconds. This not only captures the operator's intent with enhanced precision, ensuring coherent visual storytelling, but also significantly boosts on-set efficiency by reducing disruptions due to focus mode changes.

Dynamic Focus, Best of Both Worlds
The innovative AMF feature enables limitless creative possibilities. In AMF mode, the LiDAR, together with human intervention, yields a focus experience that's as elegant and dynamic as it is efficient and convenient. It is a seamless hybrid experience that combines the power and reliability of technology with the intuition and creativity of human operators.

Rotate the dial to achieve AMF focus transition, ideal for narrative scenes. Press and hold the dial steady to achieve AMF focus lock, ideal for scenes with foreground obstructions.

Focus Assistance with a Bird's-Eye View
Empowered by the DJI Focus Pro LiDAR, cinematographers can gain a more intuitive understanding of a subject's spatial position and utilize the LiDAR Waveform focus assistance through the DJI High-Bright Remote Monitor, achieving a bird's-eye view of the entire scene.

In addition, LiDAR Waveform offers supplementary information like subject position, a real-time focal plane reference line, and distance scale, which help evaluate the autofocus status and anticipate the optimum moment for manual intervention.

FIZ Motor
Motor performance has significantly improved, offering more precise control for professionals and more versatile cinematic language opportunities.
  • One-Button Linking. It supports one-button linking with the Hand Unit (not included), eliminating the manual linking process for quicker startup and use.
  • 10ms Low Latency. The motor speed is approximately 30% faster than the previous generation, with a response latency of just 10 milliseconds.
  • Three-Level Adjustable Torque. Motor torque can be adjusted to match the focus gear ring tightness of different lenses, ensuring a smoother operation.
  • Adjustable Rotation Direction. Motor rotation direction can be adjusted flexibly according to different mounting positions.
  • Compatible With 15mm Rods. More versatile in size for more convenient mounting.

Magnetic Damping Grip
One operator can embody an entire team. Cinematographers can smoothly switch between focus and zoom control for an intuitive and effective control experience.
  • Focus Control. Focus can be easily adjusted by operating the front dial of the Grip. Dial speed can be set from 1 to 100 to tailor the rotational range as needed.
  • Zoom Control. The front dial can be switched to zoom control, facilitating rapid manipulation of the lens's focal length to achieve more dynamic lens operation.
  • Magnetic Damping Tactile Feedback. In Focus mode, the damping coefficient is adjustable. In Zoom mode, the dial shifts from a damping feel to a spring-back feel.

Compatibility With DJI PRO Ecosystem
DJI Focus Pro can work with Ronin stabilizers, DJI Transmission, Ronin 4D, Inspire 3, and more. This provides a robust AMF focusing solution for expanded scenarios.

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