Light Blaster Creative Kit - Effects. When you need a simple, cost-effective way to make your ordinary studio space extraordinary, look no further than the 21 different slides in the Light Blaster Creative Kit – Effects. Select a transparency, slot it into the slide cartridge, insert that into the Light Blaster, and then project a cloud-filled backdrop into your studio, give your model angel wings, or cover your scene with a spider web.
21 different transparencies to transform a small studio space into an unusual setting
Easy to use just select the transparency, insert it into the slide cartridge, slot the cartridge into the Light Blaster, and then project
Transparencies feature angel wings, Blaster logo, blue marble, cherry blossom, clear circle, cloud pattern, cross, crosshair, fire dragon, five-point star, grid, Jack of Hearts, nebula, nuclear mushroom, seraph wings, spider web, star of David, twirl, window, and yin-yang symbol, and $100 bill

The collection has angel wings, Blaster logo, blue marble, cherry blossom, clear circle, cloud pattern, cross, crosshair, fire dragon, five-point star, grid, Jack of Hearts, nebula, nuclear mushroom, seraph wings, spider web, star of David, twirl, window, yin-yang symbol, and $100 bill to create a surreal, creepy, dreamy or just different scene with a hit of light.
In the box
21x special effects projection transparencies
Slide holder
$100 Bill
Blaster Logo
Nuclear Mushroom
Cherry Blossom
Clear Circle
Cloud Pattern
Fire Dragon
Blue Marble
Jack of Hearts
Spider Web
Five Point Star
Star of David
Angel Wings
Seraph Wings
Yin-yang Symbol

Spekular, founden in 2013, is an innovative lighting company based in Israel, specializing in creating newly designed LED lighting products for photographers, filmmakers, and vloggers. Spekular creates versatile and innovative lighting tools for content creators and the video industry. Tens of thousands of Spekular products are currently in use at film and photography sets worldwide, bringing the best in creativity to filmmakers and photographers alike.

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