80,99 €


Developmental playground of wonder and discovery. A Outdoor Mat for super fun! Extra-large developmental playground that inspires baby's curiosity and encourages the development of gross motor skills. Easy to fold and carry product with numerous fea

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

Developmental playground of wonder and discovery. A Outdoor Mat for super fun!

Extra-large developmental playground that inspires baby's curiosity and encourages the development of gross motor skills.
Easy to fold and carry product with numerous features and multiple indoor and outdoor uses.
Part of the Tresure The Ocean Collection! Encouraging your baby's development by inspiring Moments of Wonder™.
Age tips:

1-2 months
Lie next to your little bundle of joy and cuddle up, gaze at each other, talk and sing taking the opportunity to get to know one another.

2-4 months
Encourage your baby to lie in tummy time by engaging baby with one of the features and activities. Point to the Treasure The Ocean illustrations or draw baby's attention to the peek-a-boo crab and satin ribbons.

When your baby is sitting up, let them enjoy the cozy playing area and explore the mat's various features from an exciting new angle.

These are the key Developmental Wonders that this product can encourage in your baby:

Gross Motor Skills
The wide and spacious baby mat lets your little ones stretch their body out and practice rolling over, moving around, extending tummy time and, later, creeping and sitting up while enjoying the mat’s stimulating activities.

The colorful design with the clearly defined illustrations, the rattling and crinkling sounds and the use of various materials stimulate baby’s senses.

Creativity & Imagination
The cute narrative on the mat and the various features open up a world of imagination and encourage baby's innate creativity. 

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