Blue Angel A Seekers Tale Notebook

33,99 €


The seeker delves into the realms of the mind, exploring memories, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, hopes and dreams. The mundane and the magical, the beautiful and the terrible, they should all be respected and recorded. The written word is the Seeker's most powerful tool for organizing the mind, expressing thoughts, releasing emotions, and finding a way forward. Here you can formulate your questions and discover the answers. Embark on a journey of discovery without taking a single step.

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

The Seeker delves into the realms of the mind, exploring memories, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, hopes and dreams. The mundane and the magical, the beautiful and the terrible, they should all be respected and recorded. The written word is the Seeker's most powerful tool for organizing the mind, expressing thoughts, releasing emotions, and finding a way forward. Here you can formulate your questions and discover the answers. Embark on a journey of discovery without taking a single step.


  • The record consists of: 220 pages.
  • Inscription size: 18 x 23.5 x 2 cm.
  • Note weight: 610g (approx).
  • 100% authentic, original Blue Angel product.



Width 235 mm
Height 180 mm
Length 20 mm
Product Weight 610 g

Produktu kodi


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