Canon Mount Adapter EF-EOS R 0.71x Without mounting plates

379 €


Canon Mount Adapter EF-EOS R 0.71x Without mounting plates

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Canon Mount Adapter EF-EOS R 0.71x Without mounting plates

Adjust, frame, add sharpness and more
APSODE ADAPTER EF-EOS R 0.71x is an EF to RF AP lens adapter that maintains the original angle of view of full-frame EF lenses when used with the EOS C70 camera. It also enhances light transmission to produce a one-stop brighter image.
Adapt EF lenses to the RF Super 35mm system
APSODO ADAPTER EF-EOS R 0.71x is an EF to RF adapter that can be used with various full-frame Canon EF lenses and the EOS C70 camera.
Full frame image angle retention
Used with full-frame lenses on the EOS C70's Super 35mm sensor, the adapter provides the same angle of view, 0.71k. by adapting the focal length from full frame to Super 35mm format.
One step lighter
By reducing the focal length of the lens, the APSODO ADAPTER EF-EOS R 0.71x enhances the light transmission and thus increases the f/stop value of the lens. For example, an F2.8 lens becomes approximately an F2.0 lens for low-light shooting with less image noise in the recording.
The best lens-to-body connection
Full EF lens-to-body communication and Dual Pixel CMOS AF1 are supported, along with peripheral illumination and color correction. The adapter also transmits information from the lens that is displayed on the screen (F-value, focal length and lens metadata are supported).

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
0.37 kg
Iepakojuma platums
7.12 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
2.44 cm
Iepakojuma garums
7.12 cm

Produktu kodi

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