Colorway CW-3375 equipment cleansing kit Computer mouse, Dictaphone, Digital camera, Fax machine, Ga

15,99 €


Compressed gas duster TM ColorWay is a compact can, which is designed for fast and effective cleaning of hard to reach places and always will be on hand. With its help you can blow not only dust, but also dirt and microscopic debris. The extension tu
Compressed gas duster TM ColorWay is a compact can, which is designed for fast and effective cleaning of hard to reach places and always will be on hand. With its help you can blow not only dust, but also dirt and microscopic debris. The extension tube will clean the tight corners and crevices. The compressed gas does not leave any residues after application. This multi-purpose duster is great for sensitive home and office environments and also eliminates the necessity of expensive air compressor. Our product is fully compliant with European standards of quality.<br><br>Compressed gas duster TM ColorWay for cleaning keyboards, printers, computers, laptops, phones and other office and household appliances by blowing dust in tight spaces and small items. Cleaning is carried out with a short press on button directed air stream, with a maximum can`s tilt without exceeding more than 30 degrees.<br>Colorway CW-3375. Product type: Equipment cleansing spray, Proper use: Computer mouse, Dictaphone, Digital camera, Fax machine, Game console, Keyboard, Metal/Plastic,..., Volume: 750 ml

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