NATEC NSC-1795 equipment cleansing kit Universal Equipment cleansing spray & dry cloth 15 ml

10,99 €

732,67 € / L


Is a kit that will help you quickly get rid of dirt from the surface of screens of phones, tablets, monitors and other devices equipped with a display.<br><br><b>Keeping clean is easier than ever!</b><br>Natec Raccoon Sc

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Is a kit that will help you quickly get rid of dirt from the surface of screens of phones, tablets, monitors and other devices equipped with a display.<br><br><b>Keeping clean is easier than ever!</b><br>Natec Raccoon Screen Cleaner is a kit that will help you quickly get rid of dirt from the surface of screens of phones, tablets, monitors and other devices equipped with a display. The practical microfiber-coated bottle will allow you to clean surfaces precisely and quickly without the risk of scratching.<br><br><b>Effective cleaning</b><br>The special formula of the cleaning liquid will get rid of dirt, dust and greasy fingerprints from the screen surface in no time. What's more, the anti-static effect will prevent dust from accumulating, ensuring cleanliness for a longer period of time.<br><br><b>Safe and practical</b><br>The cleaning liquid is free of alcohol and ammonia and is therefore extremely safe for the environment and gentle on the cleaned surface. The practical bottle with integrated microfiber cloth makes cleaning the screen fast, precise and streak-free. <br><br><b>Compact dimensions</b><br>Thanks to its compact size, the Raccoon Screen Cleaner is ideal for travelling. The pocket size of the product allows you to always have it at hand, so a dirty screen will never be a problem for you again.NATEC NSC-1795. Product type: Equipment cleansing spray & dry cloth, Proper use: Universal, Volume: 15 ml. Quantity per pack: 1 pc(s)

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