Adler AD 8157 personal scale Rectangle Black Electronic personal scale

13,99 €


A very precise bathroom scale that has a capacity of 150kg. A great choice for the athletes, people who are on a diet and for any other person that cares about his/her body mass. Since its platform is made of very durable toughened safety glass it is
A very precise bathroom scale that has a capacity of 150kg. A great choice for the athletes, people who are on a diet and for any other person that cares about his/her body mass. Since its platform is made of very durable toughened safety glass it is not only very safe in use but it also looks good. Its very high accuracy (100g) allows to gain a very precise measurement. The scale is equipped with an automatic \#zero\# function and the \#low power\# and \#overload\# indicators. The fact that it turns off automatically allows to save energy and increases the comfort of using it. Another scale´s advantages it its very legible screen that allows to easily read the measurements.Adler AD 8157. Type: Electronic personal scale, Maximum weight capacity: 150 kg, Accuracy: 100 g. Display: LCD. Battery type: CR2032, Battery technology: Lithium, Battery voltage: 3 V. Weight: 1.66 kg. Quantity per pack: 1 pc(s), Package width: 315 mm, Package depth: 30 mm

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
1.75 kg
Iepakojuma platums
315 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
315 cm
Iepakojuma garums
30 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods
AD 8157

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