Salter 9182 SV3R Glass Analyser Scale

25,99 €


Features Measure your weight and body metrics with ease with the Glass Analyser Bathroom Scale, boasting 150 kg maximum capacity. Monitor your health and fitness with multiple body composition measurements; body fat, body water, muscle mass, bone ma
Features Measure your weight and body metrics with ease with the Glass Analyser Bathroom Scale, boasting 150 kg maximum capacity. Monitor your health and fitness with multiple body composition measurements; body fat, body water, muscle mass, bone mass and BMI. Including athlete mode and an 8 user memory, the bathroom scale can be used by the whole family and store their previous readings. Stylishly designed, the silver scale has a toughened safety glass platform which will look perfect in everyone’s bathroom décor. Complete with batteries, simply step on to the analyser scale to receive your instant weight readings, no need to press any buttons.Technical data Width: 30.00 (cm) Height: 2.20 (cm) Depth: 30.00 (cm)

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Ražotāja kods
9182 SV3R

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