Lindy HDMI Female to Female Keystone

22,99 €


The Lindy Modular AV Faceplate System allows you to create your own custom face plates by using a combination of Snap-in Blocks and Keystone modules. Fit this HDMI Keystone into a Keystone Snap-in Block and place into a face plate along side other Ke
The Lindy Modular AV Faceplate System allows you to create your own custom face plates by using a combination of Snap-in Blocks and Keystone modules. Fit this HDMI Keystone into a Keystone Snap-in Block and place into a face plate along side other Keystone and Snap-in modules.<br><br>These modules provide a full range of solutions for AV, networking, voice and audio installations. The wide selection of modules and face plates can be custom configured giving you greater control and flexibility.<br><br> Additional required products... Please Note:The Lindy Modular AV Faceplate System must be used in conjunction with Lindy Keystone Snap-in Blocks and Faceplates. Place this Keystone into either aSingle Keystone Snap-in BlocksorDual Keystone Snap-in Blockswhich come in packs of four. Then use with aSingle Gang FaceplateorDouble Gang Faceplate.Lindy HDMI Female to Female Keystone. Product colour: White, Connector 1: HDMI, Connector 2: Keystone

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