Manfrotto tripod kit MK-R05-SD ALPHA S.H.O.T. Grip PRO Kit Carbon

659 €


  • Manfrotto ALPHA S.H.O.T. tripod with ball head
  • 3-piece carbon fiber legs
  • Maximum height: 187 cm
  • Load capacity: up to 8 kg
  • Unique ball head with a grip

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

  • One-handed grip control for user-friendly quick adjustment
  • Lightweight, sturdy body with impressive 8 kg payload
  • Compatible to work with both rifle and scope
  • D-Shape carbon tubes, guarantees incredible stability
  • Universal saddle to offer the maximun versatility

The Manfrotto Alpha S.H.O.T Grip PRO Kit Carbon Fiber is for the most demanding shooters who require superior performance without compromise. This is a lightweight design of the Manfrotto Alpha S.H.O.T. Grip PRO Kit that doesn’t sacrifice on durability.

The revolutionary design of the grip head gives you the freedom to position your rifle or optic like never before. With one hand you can unblock, move, position and lock your equipment thanks to the ergonomic grip handle. The secure saddle mount with triple locking feature accommodates a 8 kg payload, and is lined with rubber to prevent scratches on gear.

The one-handed grip allows fast adjustments and is compatible for both left and right hand use. The lock mechanism comes equipped with friction control, so users can ensure everything is tightly in place when in position. A built-in bubble spirit level gives added accuracy when using on uneven terrain. The center column mechanism is easily extendable thanks to the lever on the tripod, which means that the shooting height can be changed quickly and easily with a single movement.

The tripod legs are compatible with both rubber and spiked feet to ensure maximum stability in any condition. Both sets of feet included. Best in class rigidity to shoot more accurately than ever!


Oglekļa šķiedra
Maksimālais darba augstums
187 cm
Minimālais darba augstums
26 cm
Garums saliktā veidā
80 cm
Ieteicamā slogojamība
8 kg
Svars (g)
Kājas posmu skaits
Kājas diametrs
30 mm

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