4smarts FollowMe LoomiPod Halter tripod Digital/film cameras 3 leg(s) Black

47,99 €


Perfect for video recordings: This holder is smart and ensures that you are always at the centre of the shot. Thanks to the integrated object recognition, the holder follows you and always keeps the camera focused on you.<br><b>Works with

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Perfect for video recordings: This holder is smart and ensures that you are always at the centre of the shot. Thanks to the integrated object recognition, the holder follows you and always keeps the camera focused on you.<br><b>Works without an app</b><br>The smart technology for object tracking is completely integrated in the holder and works autonomously; you don't need an app or cable connection.<br><b>Secure object tracking</b><br>State-of-the-art AI technology ensures reliable detection and tracking of people.<br><b>Portrait and landscape mode</b><br>Holds your smartphone in both portrait and landscape mode.<br>355° rotation: The holder can rotate almost completely around its own axis and thus cover a very large area.<br><b>Many use cases</b><br>For example, ideally suited for action video recordings, video conferences or even live broadcasts.<br><b>Compatible</b><br>Can be perfectly combined with our LoomiPod tripods or mounted on all tripods with a standard 1/4" thread. The smartphone clamp can also be replaced by other holders with 1/4" screw.4smarts FollowMe LoomiPod Halter. Number of legs: 3 leg(s), Product colour: Black

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