FUJIFILM H Mount Adapter G

909 €


FUJIFILM H Mount Adapter G 16540698 074101031775 4547410342963

FUJIFILM H Mount Adapter G

By attaching this adapter to the GFX Series cameras, a total of 9 SUPER EBC FUJINON HC interchangeable lenses and 1 teleconverter developed for the GX645AF can be used. While the focusing method will be limited to manual focusing, the lens aperture can be changed using the command dial on the camera body, and shooting with the lens shutter built in to the lenses is also possible. Using this lens shutter will allow high speed flash synchronization up to a maximum speed of 1/800 sec.

Also, the adapter is equipped with electrical contacts that can communicate with the camera body, independently creating, saving, and applying correctional data for each lens. The adapter supports Manual and Aperture Priority AE exposure modes.
A removable tripod seat is included in order to prevent blurring when using a massive zoom lens on a tripod and to secure a good weight balance.


GFX100 / GFX 50S / GFX 50R


Country JP

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
0.12 kg
Iepakojuma platums
7.4 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
2.1 cm
Iepakojuma garums
8.4 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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