ARCTIC Z3 Pro EU (Gen 1) - Triple Monitor Arm

286,99 €


<b>Adjustment without Removing the Monitor</b>With the Z3 Pro mounting head, tighten or loosen the swivel per your need in just a few seconds. No need to take the monitor down.<b>Powered USB 3.0 Hub </b>This hub does not just

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<b>Adjustment without Removing the Monitor</b>With the Z3 Pro mounting head, tighten or loosen the swivel per your need in just a few seconds. No need to take the monitor down.<b>Powered USB 3.0 Hub </b>This hub does not just add convenience, but allows running 4 power-hungry devices (total 2.9A).<b>Complete Flexibility</b>With the 3-way articulating arm, you can adjust your monitor according to your preference in an easy and convenient way. A flexible monitor setup is ideal to show something to your colleagues or fold away the monitor.<b>Prolonged Comfort</b>Prolonged working hours may put you at health risks. The Z3 Pro brings your monitor into the ideal position, independent of your desk height and allows an optimal posture.<b>A must have for every gamer</b>Enjoy a new dimension of gaming! No longer watch the game play from outside but fully immerse into it and experience your game from inside.ARCTIC Z3 Pro EU (Gen 1) - Triple Monitor Arm. Maximum weight capacity: 30 kg, Minimum screen size: 33 cm (13"), Maximum screen size: 76.2 cm (30"), Minimum VESA mount: 75 x 75 mm, Maximum VESA mount: 100 x 100 mm. Tilt angle range: -15 - 15°. Product colour: Black, Metallic

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