Personal scale with Bluetooth BSM601BT

23,99 €


Personal scale with Bluetooth BSM601BT Anyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and keep track of their overall health needs a personal scale at home that indicates more than just the number of kilograms. The BSM601 scale model by BLAUPUNKT with

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Personal scale with Bluetooth BSM601BT

Anyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and keep track of their overall health needs a personal scale at home that indicates more than just the number of kilograms. The BSM601 scale model by BLAUPUNKT with a dedicated smartphone app is ready to meet these expectations.

With an accuracy of 0.1 kg, the BSM601 monitors body weight, body fat, muscle, bone water, BMI and BMR. The intuitive and easy-to-use app allows you to keep track of all the most relevant parameters in real time. After entering basic information on height, age, gender and activities carried out, it calculates the daily calorie requirements, actively supporting the user in achieving the desired weight.

Slim and lightweight, made of 5mm thick tempered glass, with a hidden display and in beautiful shades of blue, it will blend in perfectly with your bathroom space.

The BSM601 personal scale has been created for people who care about achieving their goals, their wellbeing and for those who want to monitor progress data in real time beyond just weight.

Load (max) 180
Measuring accuracy 100
Units kg
Measurement Calorie calculator
Measurement Body weight
Measurement Body fat
Measurement Body water
Measurement Muscle
Measurement Bone density
Measurement BMI value
Anti-skid base yes
Power Batteries / rechargeable AAA
Color Azure
display dimensions 7,4 x 2,06 cm  
Dimensions 28 x 28 x 2,2 cm  
Weight 1.12
Special functions Automatic zeroing Automatic shutdown
Accessories included 3 x AAA battery
Other features Bluetooth 4.0 BLE compatible with iOS and Android App compatible with iOS 7.0 or Android 4.3 or later The platform is made of 5 mm thick tempered glass

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
1.51 kg
Iepakojuma platums
32.5 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
32 cm
Iepakojuma garums
3.5 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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