Blue Angel Lightworker Notebook

33,99 €


Bring your light into the world and into the pages of Lightworker magazine. More than a notebook, the 220 pages are filled with inspiring messages and empowering advice from Alana Fairchild and beautiful illustrations by Mario Duguay. Here you will find a safe and sacred space to explore and express your connection to divine light, higher frequencies of consciousness, and your innate desire to serve and heal the world.

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

Bring your light into the world and into the pages of Lightworker magazine. More than a notebook, the 220 pages are filled with inspiring messages and empowering advice from Alana Fairchild and beautiful illustrations by Mario Duguay. Here you will find a safe and sacred space to explore and express your connection to divine light, higher frequencies of consciousness, and your innate desire to serve and heal the world.


  • The record consists of: 220 pages.
  • Inscription size: 18 x 23.5 x 2 cm.
  • Inscription weight: 611g (approx).
  • 100% authentic, original Blue Angel product.



Width 235 mm
Height 180 mm
Length 20 mm
Product Weight 611 g

Produktu kodi


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