1 379 €


H.264 streaming and recording simultaneously

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Not only an encoder but also a recorder Simultaneous live streaming and recording in H.264 format is supported, suitable for a variety of applications. Different bitrates can be set for different applications and network environments. Supports multiple inputs configurations HDMI/SDI video input is supported. For audio, XLR and RCA audio inputs are provided.Direct recording to SD card, supports multiple file systems and continuous recordingSupport FAT32/exFAT/NTFS file systems, continuous recording without file size limitation. Dual streaming to two different platforms or CDNs Simultaneously live streaming to two platforms such as Youtube and Facebook, thus gaining more viewers. Vertical screen streaming There are about 50% of viewers using the smart phone to watch the video stream and 94% of them prefer vertical orientation. NVS-35 offers vertical screen streaming function and you can easily create a vertical oriented video with a few basic settings.Optional embedded audio/external audio/mixed audio, with wide compatibility. Support SRT streaming protocol, no need to worry about unreliable network environment Many broadcasters have experienced pixelated video during live streaming, often due to unstable network environments caused by bandwidth volatility.Streaming RTMP over unreliable, low-bandwidth networks can cause issues. With dvCloud, you can now replace the RTMP protocol with SRT, which will fix most streaming issues you may have. SRT is better than RTMP because it handles problematic networks more efficiently.It requires less bandwidth, and it solves data errors faster. As a result, your viewers will experience a better stream, with less buffering and pixelization. Build a reliable SRT live streaming workflow with all Datavideo products. Datavideo's wide range of encoders, cameras, and hand-carry switchers are fully supported by SRT and dvCloud. Datavideo encoders and dvCloud provide reliable streams over unreliable networks. By using a Datavideo encoder and dvCloud together, you can utilize SRT (instead of RTMP) on the initial problematic connection or "First Mile." After your video stream reaches dvCloud, you can depend on dvCloud's reliable, high-bandwidth network to deliver the stream to your favorite destinations, like Facebook and YouTube.

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