Razor Power Core E90 16 km/h Black

193,99 €


<b>Double the Ride Time... Double the Distance!<br></b><br>The Power Core E90 is upping the ante for electric scooters once again, rolling out a ridiculous 80 minutes of continuous ride time and fifty-percent more muscle power

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<b>Double the Ride Time... Double the Distance!<br></b><br>The Power Core E90 is upping the ante for electric scooters once again, rolling out a ridiculous 80 minutes of continuous ride time and fifty-percent more muscle power. Its innovative hub motor delivers a more efficient, maintenance free ride, while the steel frame, lighter weight and increased torque take performance to the next level.Razor Power Core E90. Type: Classic scooter, Maximum speed: 16 km/h, Maximum load weight: 9.9 kg. Battery voltage: 12 V, Battery life: 80 min. Weight: 10.5 kg. Package type: Box

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