Body Sculpture 4 mm BB 8300D yoga mat

16,99 €


Body Sculpture 4 mm BB 8300D yoga mat The Body Sculpture BB 8300 yoga mat will be useful to anyone who is starting their adventure with yoga. It is 4 mm thick, so it provides adequate support for the joints during exercise. Its special structure pre

Body Sculpture 4 mm BB 8300D yoga mat

The Body Sculpture BB 8300 yoga mat will be useful to anyone who is starting their adventure with yoga. It is 4 mm thick, so it provides adequate support for the joints during exercise. Its special structure prevents it from sliding across the floor. This makes the exercises safer and more comfortable. A durable, non-slip surface makes it easier for you to hold your position. The mat is easy to clean. It can also be used for all types of fitness and pilates exercises.

The mat comes with a strap that makes it easy to roll it up and take it with you to training or a trip. Such a small convenience significantly increases the comfort of use and will open up new training opportunities for you.

Technical data:

  • Dimensions: 152.4 x 56 cm
  • Mat thickness: 0.4 mm
  • Material: PVC
  • Blue color
  • Purpose: home use
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Clean with a mixture of water and vinegar (1: 1)


  • PVC


  • blue

Sport Training
Product Type Training equipment
Subcategory Mats
Producer Body Sculpture
Colour Blue
Material PVC
Gender Men, Women

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
0.3 kg

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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