Tunturi CT80 Core trainer

249,99 €

Main info

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TUNTURI CORE TRAINER CT80 Kas soovid treenida oma selja- ja kõhulihaseid lihtsalt ühe ja sama masinaga? Nüüd on see võimalik! Tunturi C80 Core Trainer on täielik kerelihaste treenija: kaldega pink, kõhulihaste laud, rooma tool ja hüperekstensioon ühes. - Erinevad treeningvõimalused, spetsiaalselt ülakehale - Seljalihaste treenija, hüperekstensioonipink, rooma tool ja kõhulihaste laud ühes - Jalatoed lisavad treeningule mitmekesisust - Kompaktne ja kergesti kokkupandav Sisaldab tasuta Tunturi treeningrakendust Kas otsid abi, inspiratsiooni või motivatsiooni oma treeninguks? Tunturi Training rakendusest leiad tuhandeid animeeritud treeningharjutusi, juhiseid ja treeningvideoid. Need aitavad sul enda ja Tunturi toodete potentsiaali täielikult ära kasutada. Saad treenida üksi ja luua oma treeningkava, samuti osaleda grupitundides ja kasutada kogukonna tuge. Raamatukogu täiendatakse regulaarselt, et pakkuda uusi väljakutseid ja inspiratsiooni. Ja mis kõige parem: Tunturi Training on 100% tasuta ning saadaval App Store'is ja Play Store'is! Maksimaalne kandevõime Oluline on teada, milline on sinu seadme maksimaalne kandevõime iga osa kohta. Selle leiad piltidelt paremal. Kui lahutad oma kehakaalu maksimaalsest kandevõimest, saad teada, kui palju raskusi saad lisada. Arvesta oma kehakaaluga ainult siis, kui on osi, millele saad istuda või lamada. Näide: Kui kaalud 100 kg, saad treenida 300 kg raskusega CT80 peal, enne kui jõuad maksimaalse kandevõimeni, mis on 400 kg. Selja- ja kõhulihased ühes! Selle kerelihaste treenijaga treenid palju enamat kui ainult kõhulihaseid. CT80 abil saad treenida oma selga, tuharaid ja jalgu: jalatoed tagavad lisavariatsioonivõimalused ja pakuvad stabiilsust treeningute ajal. Transpordirattad lihtsaks liigutamiseks Treenida saad seal, kus soovid: transpordirattad aitavad masinat hõlpsalt liigutada. Kokkupandav Kas ruumi on kodus vähe? See kerelihaste treenija on ruumisäästlik. Tänu kokkupandavale mehhanismile saad CT80 märkimisväärselt väiksemaks muuta. Tugevalt õmmeldud kate Õmmeldud iste koos lisatugevdatud nurkadega tagab, et saad oma treeningpinkki kasutada aastaid ning see hoiab ära õrnade osade kulumise ja kahjustumise.

Dimensions and weights

Gross weight
24 kg
Package width
56 cm
Package height
22 cm
Package length
116 cm

Product codes

Manufacturer code

Photopoint offers free shipping for orders over 99 € delivered to Estonia. Take a look in the tab "Delivery" for a more precise delivery estimate.

For this product you can select the desired delivery method at the shopping cart:

Photopoint store Pick-up

Place your order from Photopoint web store and pick your goods up from one of Photopoint`s brick and mortar stores. The delivery to Photopoint store is free even for orders less than 99 €. You will be noticed by e-mail when your order is ready for pick-up.

The Photopoint stores are located in Tallinn and Tartu. See the exact locations from here.

Omniva parcel terminal 

You can order the goods to one of the Omniva Parcel terminals. Choose the desired terminal at the shopping cart. As the shipment arrives to the selected terminal, you will be sent an SMS-notification with an unique code. Go to the terminal within a week, enter the code and take your package. It is as simple as that.

See Omniva Parcel terminal locations here.

SmartPOST parcel terminal

Did not find an Omniva terminal at suitable location? Try SmartPost. Choose the desired terminal at the shopping cart. As the shipment arrives to the selected terminal, you will be sent an SMS-notification with an unique code. Go to the terminal within a week, enter the code and take your package. This method actually works for all parcel terminals.

See SmartPOST parcel terminal locations here.

DPD parcel locker

Make sure you check out also the locations of DPD parcel lockers. These are located all over Estonia. The delivery is the same. As the shipment arrives to the selected locker, you will be sent an SMS with a unique code. Go to the locker, enter the code and take your package.

See DPD parcel locker locations here.

Smartpost Finland parcel terminal

SmartPOST Finland is the best way to order goods to Finland. These terminals work the same way as in Estonia. As the shipment arrives to the selected terminal in Finland, you will be sent an SMS-notification with an unique code. Go to the terminal, enter the code and take your package.

See SmartPOST Finland parcel terminal locations here.

Matkahuolto parcel service

Matkahuolto is easy way to order goods to Finland. These are located also in smaller Finnish towns. As the shipment arrives to the selected Matkahuolto outlet, you will be sent an SMS-notification or an e-mail. Go to the outlet, show your ID and take your package.

See Matkahuolto outlet locations here.

Omniva courier delivery

The courier will transport your goods from Photopoint straight to the provided address. The delivery will take place at workdays from 08:00 to 17:00. Hold your phone near you as the courier will call you prior to its arrival. Please make sure there is someone at the destination, eligible to receive the shipment. 

The product can only be ordered from our online store and it takes from 7-10 working days for delivery within Estonia.

Product comparison
