CineStill film Daylight Xpro 50/36

26,99 €


  • Negative color film
  • 35 mm roll
  • ISO 50 low speed
  • 36 frames
  • Standard C-41 process
CINESTILL 50Daylight is an ISO 50/18° speed daylight balanced (5500K) color negative motion picture film stock for still photography. Based on the original Vision3 50D emulsion, this film is prepped and rolled for clean and safe standard photo lab processing or Cs41 development at home, but it may also be processed in Cs2 chemistry for low-contrast motion picture negatives. Ideal for shooting in bright light at wide apertures and for producing high resolution, low grain images.

The exposure latitude of this film is beyond anything digital and even most other films can hope to achieve. With 50D you can achieve beautiful results by rating it anywhere between ISO 12-100 without the need for push processing. No matter how you meter, you will see almost no grain, but color, contrast, shadow detail and highlight rendering will be affected by the chosen ISO you meter at. If you expose at a lower ISO you will get warmer images with greater halation in the highlights.

CineStill's new and improved manufacturing process now extends the shelf life of 50D, with less noticeable artifacts after expiration. This emulsion is optimized for a hybrid workflow, ideal for scanning, and produces a complimentary contrast curve for optical printing on RA-4 paper when processed in C-41 chemistry.
  • Color negative motion picture emulsion
  • 35 mm / 36 exp.
  • Safe for C-41 photo lab processing (Remjet backing free)
  • Resulting in a slight halation effect
  • Daylight balanced (5500K)
  • Unrivaled highlight and shadow latitude
  • High resolution and fine grain for maximum sharpness
  • Factory spooled, DX-coded cassettes

Blogu raksti, kuros pieminēta šī prece:


Filmas formāts
35 mm filma
Filmas tips
Krāsu negatīvā filma
ISO 50
Filmu skaits iepakojumā

Produktu kodi


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